Generative Adversarial Network

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vanilla gan
gans introduction
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Generative Adversarial Network

What is Generative Adversarial Network(GAN)?

A GAN, or Generative Adversarial Network is a machine learning framework. It can generate new data points by sampling from this distribution (i.e. choosing combinations with large probability). So, It's a probability distribution. In the case of images, GANs means you have a probability for every possible combination of pixel values. For example, generating face, hand digit generation, etc

GANs have 2 major component. There are -

Generator : Generative models(G) can generate new data instances. It captures the data distribution. In short, Generator is to create data in such a way that it can fool the discriminator.

Discriminator : Discriminative models(D) discriminate between different kinds of data instances. It estimates the probability that a sample came from the training data rather than Generative models(G). In short, Discriminator is to distinguish between actual and generated (fake) data.

This framework corresponds to a minimax two-player game. There are many kinds of generative model. GANs are just one kind of generative model.

Some Generative examples of GANs Work

GAN Fig-1

Figure : Visualization of samples from the model.

The GANs progress on face generation

GAN 2014

DCGAN 2015

CoGAN 2016

PGAN 2017

StyleGAN 2018

GAN Fig-1

Basic structure behind the GANs

Here some pictures of the whole system -

GAN Fig-3

Generative adversarial nets are trained by simultaneously

GAN Fig-6

Here, Discriminative distribution (D, blue, dashed line) so that it discriminates between samples from the data generating distribution (black, dotted line) p(x) from those of the generative distribution p(g) (G) (green, solid line)

From this figure we say that -

a. Poorly fit model

b. After updating D

c. After updating G

d. Mixed strategy equilibrium(p(g) = p(data)) or Global Optimality of p(g) = p(data)

Backpropagation in discriminator training

Discriminator Backpropagation

Backpropagation in generator training

Backpropagation in generator training

GANs Loss function

GAN Fig-4

GAN Fig-5

In this equation we say,This formula look like binary cross-entropy loss function. D and G play the following two-player minimax game with value function V (G, D).

In this loss function there have some problem-

Vanishing Gradient: if your discriminator is too good, then generator training can fail due to vanishing gradients. In effect, an optimal discriminator doesn't provide enough information for the generator to make progress.

Mode Collapse : During training, the generator may get stuck into a setting where it always produces the same output.

GANs Algorithm

GANs Algo


Pytorch Vanilla Gan

Generative Adversarial Networks Original paper

The math behind GANs

Papers with code

GANs Google


Introductory Slide

why do gans need so much noise